Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Chassis



 Anti-lock Control Anti-lock Brake System Module (G1807249) / Removal and Installation

REMOVAL CAUTIONS: If brake fluid is spilt on the paintwork, the affected area must be immediately washed down with cold water. Make sure that all openings are sealed. Use new blanking caps. NOT

 Anti-lock Control Front Wheel Speed Sensor (G1807250) / Removal and Installation

REMOVAL NOTE: Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to: Fender Splash Shiel


 Driver Door Module / Diagnosis and Testing

PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the Driver Door Module, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section in the workshop manual. REFER to: Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems (501-14 Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems, Description and Operation). INSPECTION

 Roof Pod (G1785332)  / Removal and Installation

REMOVAL CAUTION: Protect the surrounding paintwork to avoid damage. NOTES: Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is always correct. Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details. Refer to: 'A' Pillar Trim Panel (501-05 Interior Trim

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