Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Chassis-Suspension


 Front Suspension Front Shock Absorber  (G1779642)

 Front Suspension Front Shock Absorber (G1779642) - Removal

GENERAL EQUIPMENT PART(S) REMOVAL WARNINGS: Make sure the spring compressor Safe Working Load (SWL) meets or exceeds the spring rating quoted in the Specifcations section. Always follow the spr

 Front Suspension Front Shock Absorber (G1779642) - Installation

 Installation Make sure the correct vehicle suspension components are installed. Refer to: Specifications (204-00 Suspension System - General Information, Specifications). Inspect the componen


 Rear Drive Unit (RDU)/ Operation

The RDU is driven by the driveshaft which is connected to the PTU. As the PTU synchroniser is engaged, the driveshaft begins to rotate the stationary components within the RDU. Pressure is then applied to the clutch plates and torque is the transferred to the halfshafts. The drive flange is connect

 Vehicle Specific Information and Tolerance Checks Hood Alignment

CHECK Check the gap and profiles of the hood are correct. ADJUSTMENT NOTE: Carry out this step for both sides. Align the hood gap and profile to the front fender as illustrated. Align the hood gap and profile to the front door as illustrated. Torque: 25 Nm Align the hood gap and profile to

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