Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: General Information / Diagnosis and Testing

Land Rover Discovery (2009–2016) Service Manual / Chassis / Chassis-Brake-System / General Information / Diagnosis and Testing


For a detailed description of the Brake System, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section in the workshop manual. REFER to:

Hydraulic Brake Actuation (206-06 Hydraulic Brake Actuation, Description and Operation), Brake Booster (206-07 Power Brake Actuation, Description and Operation).



Diagnosis by substitution from a donor vehicle is NOT acceptable.

Substitution of control modules does not guarantee confirmation of a fault, and may also cause additional faults in the vehicle being tested and/or the donor vehicle.


  • If a control module or a component is suspect and the vehicle remains under manufacturer warranty, refer to the Warranty Policy and Procedures manual, or determine if any prior approval programme is in operation, prior to the installation of a new module/component.
  • When performing voltage or resistance tests, always use a digital multimeter accurate to three decimal places, and with an up-todate calibration certificate. When testing resistance always take the resistance of the digital multimeter leads into account.
  • Check and rectify basic faults before beginning diagnostic routines involving pinpoint tests.
  1. Verify the customer concern
  2. Visually inspect for obvious signs of damage and system integrity

Visual inspection

Visual inspection

  1. If an obvious cause for an observed or reported concern is found, correct the cause (if possible) before proceeding to the next step
  2. If the cause is not visually evident, verify the symptom and refer to the Symptom Chart, alternatively check for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) and refer to the DTC Index
  3. Check DDW for open campaigns. Refer to the corresponding bulletins and SSMs which may be valid for the specific customer complaint and carry out the recommendations as required


Symptom Chart

Symptom Chart

Symptom Chart

Symptom Chart


For a list of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) that could be logged on this vehicle, please refer to Section 100-00. REFER to: Diagnostic Trouble Code Index - DTC: Anti-lock Braking System Control Module (ABS) (100-00 General Information, Description and Operation).

General information specifications

Brake Hydraulic Fluid


* If the fluid shown is not available, use a low viscosity DOT 4 brake fluid meeting ISO 4925 Class 6 and Land Rover LRES22BF03 requirements.

Brake Hydraulic Fluid

General Specification

General Specification

General Specification

Torque Specifications

Torque Specifications


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