Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Side Panel Sheet Metal Repairs Rocker Panel (G1770907)

Land Rover Discovery (2009–2016) Service Manual / Body / Body Repairs and General Information / Side Panel Sheet Metal Repairs Rocker Panel (G1770907)


 Side Panel Sheet Metal Repairs Rocker Panel (G1770907) - Removal

NOTE: The rocker panel is installed in conjunction with: Front bumper cover Front fender Front fender splash shield Front door Rear door front seat Rear seat cushion Cowl side trim panel B-P

 Side Panel Sheet Metal Repairs Rocker Panel (G1770907) - Installation

Dress the flanges where necessary. Offer up the new rocker panel and clamp into position. Check alignment if correct, proceed to next step, if not, rectify and recheck before proceeding. Dri

 Side Panel Sheet Metal Repairs B-pillar Reinforcement (G1770905)


 Headlamp Leveling

PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the Headlamp Leveling system, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section in the workshop manual. REFER to: Exterior Lighting (417-01 Exterior Lighting, Description and Operation). INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION CAUTION: Diagnosis by sub

 Joints and Joint Faces

All gaskets should be installed dry unless stated otherwise. Always apply the specified lubricant to O-rings and install O-rings using the fingers only. Use gasket removal spray and/or plastic scrapers to remove traces of old gasket. CAUTION: DO NOT use metal scrapers or emery cloth as these may da

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