Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation

Land Rover Discovery (2009–2016) Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation



Some illustrations may show the engine removed for clarity.

Refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).


Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.

Raise and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Oil Pump Chain (303-01B, Removal and Installation).

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation


Discard the seal.

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation

Torque: 25 Nm


Discard the seal.


Do not disassemble further if the component is removed for access only.

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump (G1875879) / Removal and Installation

Torque: 12 Nm


  1. To install, reverse the removal procedure

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation


Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation



  • Some illustrations may show the engine removed for clarity.
  • Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
  • Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is always correct.

All vehicles

Disconnect the battery ground cable.

Refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).


Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.

Raise and support the vehicle.

Remove the oil pan.

Refer to: Oil Pan (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Engines fitted with tensioner

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation

Using a suitable tool, hold the tensioner arm in the position illustrated.


Using a suitable tool, hold the oil pump gear when removing the centre bolt.


Make sure a new centre bolt is installed.

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation

Remove and discard the centre bolt.

Renew Part: Oil pump gear bolt.


Stage 1 60 Nm

Stage 2 90º

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation

Remove and discard the chain tensioner assembly.

Renew Part: Oil pump chain tensioner.

Engines fitted without tensioner


Using a suitable tool, hold the oil pump gear when removing the centre bolt.


Make sure a new centre bolt is installed.

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Oil Pump Chain (G1875891) / Removal and Installation

Remove and discard the centre bolt.

Renew Part: Oil pump gear bolt.


Stage 1 60 Nm

Stage 2 90º



Do not install the chain tensioner assembly.

To install, reverse the removal procedure.

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Right Engine Mount (G1875883) / Removal and Installation



  • Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
  • Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is always correct.


Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.

Raise and support the vehicle.

Refer to: Engine Upper Support Insulator (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Right Engine Mount (G1875883) / Removal and Installation


Refer to: Engine Mount Alignment (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, General Procedures).

Engine - Ingenium i4 2.0l Diesel Right Engine Mount (G1875883) / Removal and Installation

Torque: 80 Nm

Refer to: Engine Upper Support Insulator (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).


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