Land Rover Discovery Owners & Service Manuals

Land Rover Discovery: Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation


Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation






  • Some variation in the illustrations may occur, but the essential information is always correct.
  • Some components shown removed for clarity.
  • Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.


All vehicles.

Disconnect the battery ground cable.

Refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).


  • Be prepared to collect escaping fuel.
  • Make sure that all openings are sealed. Use new blanking caps.


Vehicles with auxiliary fuel system.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Disconnect and position the auxiliary fuel pipes to one side.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Remove the auxiliary fuel pump and filter assembly


All vehicles.

Remove the fuel cooler.

Refer to: Fuel Cooler (310-01B Fuel Tank and Lines - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Remove the fuel rail.

Refer to: Fuel Rail (303-04C Fuel Charging and Controls - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Remove the fuel injectors.

Refer to: Fuel Injectors (303-04C Fuel Charging and Controls - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Remove the upper timing chain.

Refer to: Upper Timing Chain (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).


Remove and discard the bolt.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Remove the camshaft gear, then remove the special tool JLR-303- 1625.

Special Tool(s): JLR-303-1625

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Disconnect and position the harness to one side.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Remove the bracket.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Position the pipe to one side.


  • Do not disassemble further if the component is removed for access only.
  • Discard the gasket.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Remove the valve cover.


  • Remove the camshaft bearing caps. Note: their position, orientation and markings. Each is marked with its position. I (inlet) E (exhaust) a number (1-5) and its orientation (arrow).
  • Inspect the camshafts and install new ones if damaged or worn.
  • Inspect the valve cover and camshaft bearing caps and install a new valve cover assemble if damaged or worn.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Renew Part: Camshaft cover gasket.



Install and finger tighten bolts before final tightening in sequence illustrated.


  • Make sure that these components are installed to the noted removal position.
  • All vehicles.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Lubricate the components with clean engine oil.

Torque: 12 Nm

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Align the camshafts and install the special tool JLR-303-1625.

Special Tool(s): JLR-303-1625


Install and finger tighten bolts before final tightening in sequence illustrated.


Install a new gasket.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Torque: M8 x 80

Stage 1: 15 Nm

Stage 2: 42º

M8 x 40 25 Nm

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the pipe.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the bracket.

Torque: 12 Nm

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the harness.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the camshaft gear.

Special Tool(s): JLR-303-1625

Renew Part: Camshaft sprocket bolt.


Stage 1: 10 Nm

Stage 2: Loosen: 90º

Stage 3: 80 Nm

Stage 4: 90º

Install the upper timing chain.

Refer to: Upper Timing Chain (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Install the fuel injectors.

Refer to: Fuel Injectors (303-04C Fuel Charging and Controls - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Install the fuel rail.

Refer to: Fuel Rail (303-04C Fuel Charging and Controls - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Install the fuel cooler.

Refer to: Fuel Cooler (310-01B Fuel Tank and Lines - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).


Vehicles with auxiliary fuel system.

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the auxiliary fuel pump and filter assembly.

Torque: 10 Nm

Camshafts (G1875875) / Removal and Installation

Install the auxiliary fuel pipes.


All vehicles.

Connect the battery ground cable.

Refer to: Specifications (414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables, Specifications).

Crankshaft front seal (G1875870) removal and installation






  1. Refer to: Crankshaft Pulley (303-01B Engine - INGENIUM I4 2.0L Diesel, Removal and Installation).

Crankshaft front seal (G1875870) removal and installation

Remove and discard the seal.

Special Tool(s): JLR-303-1628


Crankshaft front seal (G1875870) removal and installation

Make sure a new seal is installed.

Special Tool(s): JLR-303-1628

Renew Part: Crankshaft front oil seal.

Torque: 26 Nm


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